We are continuously seeking culinary treasures, unique and hard-to-find, sourced from various regions of Greece. From traditional handmade delicacies to alternative gourmet delights, our collection showcases the rich variety and exceptional quality of Greek gastronomy.

We are continuously seeking culinary treasures, unique and hard-to-find, sourced from various regions of Greece. From traditional handmade delicacies to alternative gourmet delights, our collection showcases the rich variety and exceptional quality of Greek gastronomy.

Rock Samphire in Brine (Sea Fennel)| 200g
Crithmum maritimum, also known as rock samphire or sea fennel, is rich in nutritional components such as iodine, vitamins E, C, and K. Additionally, it contains valuable minerals and Omega-3 fatty acids. Its harmonious composition pairs ideally with olive oil and lemon, making it the perfect supplement for seafood and salads. Thus, it provides a tasty and nutritious addition to various culinary experiences.
Bird’s eye dried chili peppers
Authentic Bird’s eye dried chili peppers offer an explosive flavor that will add complexity to your dishes. These naturally dried peppers provide an intense aromatic profile and heat that perfectly balances with their bold flavor.